It is New Year's Eve and also my birthday! As of 9:00 am this morning I was exactly 1 year old! I am a little older now and I am getting more and more clever every day! Here is a picture of me and Grandma Deb with a new book I got!
We had a birthday celebration at Grandma's house in Alex yesterday. We had a great time and I was the star of the show! I got all the attention I wanted. I ate something called a "chocolate cupcake". It was amazing! You all should try it! Here are some pictures of the day:
Mom, Dad, and Great Grandma Lenz:
My birthday cake:
Me eating my birthday cake:
Great Grandmas Lenz and Brueske, Great Aunt Gwen (just out of the picture Great Aunts Corey and Jane):
Tallie sure likes her friend Betty! Not sure what Betty thinks of Tallie, but she's a great dog and puts up with it. I am sure Tallie will be saddling up soon!
Updated 5/2/08: This picture was taken in the summer of 2007, when she was 5-6 mo old.
Tallie is a lean, mean walking machine these days. She enjoys playing with her cousin Josie, dancing (to Dancing with the Stars - yeah Helio!), walking and saying "mama" and "baby".
Deb Lenz swears she can say "grandma".
Tallie is looking forward to her first Christmas. She helped put up the tree last weekend and she hasn't eaten an ornament yet! Good work Tallie!
We had a blast this halloween! I was a pigliet, cousins Josie and Josh were both lions. Josh was a ferocious lion and Josie was more or less a cub (being 3 months old). Cousin Brody was a fearsom dinosaur!
Well, this is not actually the first, but the real first has been removed from the history books, never to be spoken of again. Tallie was born 12/31/06 and whoever has met her will agree she has a certain charm about her. Her Mom and Dad will try to keep this thing updated, but may need a bit of hounding from time to time if you don't see new pictures and updates often enough. Stay tuned and keep checking in!